The Slovak Audiovisual Producers' Association (SAPA) is an independent, non-profit organisation. It was established as an association of legal and natural persons in accordance with the Act No. 83/1990 Coll. on Association of Citizens.
SAPA represents producers of audiovisual works or administrators of producers’ rights (Slovak film producers), i.e. copyright owners or administrators of more than 90% of all feature films and films made for cinema theater distribution that have been produced in Slovakia since 1921 onwards. SAPA members own or administer copyrights of more than 8,000 Slovak audiovisual works.
SAPA cooperates with European organisations and institutions, such as CEPI.TV, EUROCOPYA, FIAPF, EPAA, AGICOA and other organisations with the same or related objectives, which associate producers from the European Union, as well as from other continents.